Its Coming Together

Last week the parole board called me for an interview about my son coming home…didnt give my any hints on which way he would vote, but was impressed with the things I told him my son had learned and said it sounded like he had an amazing support system…hoping to have a date this week of exactly when my boy will be home. Got a call also on my other son for a bed opening up at rehab for him. So we took him to another town today for 45 days of rehab…the place “felt” good and I truly believe God really is working ALL things together for our good. Life is so precious…family is so precious…my heart has been heavy lately for people, young people, who do not have parents…whether it be absentee, incarcerated or parents who would rather be friends. My heart hurts for these people…life is hard, it knocks you on your face from time to time and I cant imagine not having had my mom to talk to, cry with, cheer me on or even ask me what the hell I think Im doing lol…maybe, just maybe lives would be a wee bit better if parents would choose to be the parent instead of the friend…if they would choose to be active and present in their childrens lives…Im not saying it would make things perfect and there wouldnt still be messups because I think Ive been a decent parent, yes I can look back in that wonderful hind sight 20/20 way and see where I could of done this different or that…and I know that ultimately kids have their own roads to travel, their own testimonies to get, no testimony with a test right? But to not have parents in the background praying for you, cheering you on, just being there for you…I cant imagine how lonely that must feel. Prayers goin out tonight for those in just that situation…God says he is a Father to the Fatherless and I believe he will also mother the motherless…he is able to comfort, to lead, to guide and to protect…but they have to seek him…someone has to be a light in their dark world…let your light shine people, you never know just who is seeing your smile, you kind gesture. Remember, one sows, one waters but God gives the increase…sow some seeds of love and kindness. I know Im gonna try to do more of that! Join me?

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